Population Statements

The Centre for Population’s annual Population Statements provide a comprehensive look at how the Australian population has changed and how we expect it to change in future.


2023 Population Statement

This Population Statement is the Centre’s fourth release in an annual series that provides a comprehensive national picture of how the Australian population has changed and how we expect it to change in the future.

This 2023 release explores Australia’s population recovery following the COVID‑19 pandemic.


2022 Population Statement

This Population Statement is the Centre’s third release in an annual series that provides a comprehensive national picture of how the Australian population has changed and how we expect it to in the future.

The National Population and Planning Framework tasks the Centre for Population to prepare an annual Population Statement as part of national efforts to increase understanding about populations, population change and its implications for all levels of government.


2021 Population Statement

This Population Statement is the Centre’s second release in an annual series that provides a comprehensive national picture of how the Australian population has changed and how we expect it to change in future.

The National Population and Planning Framework tasks the Centre for Population to prepare an annual Population Statement as part of national efforts to increase understanding about populations, population change and its implications for all levels of government.


The Centre’s published research papers providing insights into Australia’s changing population.


Migration research and analysis

The Centre for Population has prepared or commissioned publications researching and analysing migration.


OECD: Findings on the effects of migration on Australia’s economy

The Centre for Population partnered with the OECD to investigate the impacts of migration on Australia’s economy. This partnership resulted in four research papers, which found that migration has boosted productivity, employment, and patenting in Australia.


Internal migration in Australia and the impact of government levers

The report finds government action on internal migration is more effective when it acts to remove barriers to migration, allowing people to move in a way that responds to the other aspects of the ‘bundle’ of factors that drives their migration choices.

Population policy documents

View overarching publications related to population policy.

Policy documents

2023 Intergenerational Report

This report projects an outlook for the economy and the Australian Government’s budget over the next 40 years. It examines the long-term sustainability of current policies and how demographic, technological and other structural trends may affect the economy and the budget.

Policy documents

2021 Intergenerational Report

The report projects an outlook for the economy and the Australian Government’s budget over the next 40 years. It examines the long-term sustainability of current policies and how demographic, technological and other structural trends may affect the economy and the budget.

Policy documents

Planning for Australia’s Future Population

The Government is easing population pressures on Australia’s big capitals and supporting the growth of smaller cities and regions. By managing the rate of growth through the migration program and planning and investing in infrastructure, housing and services, the Government is ensuring that we are meeting the needs of current and future generations.

Media releases

View media releases related to population policy.


Budget 2024–25 national, state and territory population projections

The Budget 2024–25 population projections are now available.

The projections are available by national and state and territory, they include components of growth to 2034–35.


2023 Intergenerational Report population projections

The 2023 Intergenerational Report: population projections, Australia, 2022-23 to 2062-63 are now available.

The projections include population by single year of age and sex out to 2062-63 for Australia.


2023-24 Budget national, state and territory population projections

The population projections for the 2023‑24 Budget are now available.

The projections include population growth and components at the national level out to 2033‑34 and 2026‑27 for states and territories.