The Centre for Population prepared this note discussing global population estimates and projections from the 2024 United Nations World Population Prospects.
The Centre for Population partnered with the OECD to investigate the impacts of migration on Australia’s economy. This partnership resulted in four research papers, which found that migration has boosted productivity, employment, and patenting in Australia.
The report finds government action on internal migration is more effective when it acts to remove barriers to migration, allowing people to move in a way that responds to the other aspects of the ‘bundle’ of factors that drives their migration choices.
This topic summary was authored by the Centre for Population for the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and is an Australia’s health and Australia’s welfare topic. It provides an overview of Australia’s population growth and trends.
This quick guide compares three fertility scenarios which illustrate the long-term impacts of different fertility rates on Australia's population size and age structure.
This quick guide provides a case study, using the 2006-07 cohort of migrants, to analyse the different pathways that temporary migrants take through Australia’s migration system to become permanent residents.
The W.D. Borrie Lecture was delivered at the Australian Population Association Conference on 23 November 2022 by the Hon Dr Andrew Leigh MP, Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury. The speech analyses COVID mortality in Australia and how the health burden of the pandemic has impacted the most disadvantaged people in the Australian community.
This release draws out the population analysis and assumptions from the 2022‑23 Budget and explores how recent events related to the COVID‑19 pandemic have impacted the growth of our population.
The Centre for Population has commissioned a report from the Australian National University that seeks to explain trends and drivers of fertility in Australia and better understand the impact of government policies on fertility decisions.
This presentation was given by the Centre for Population’s Executive Director, Damien White, at the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute’s National Housing Conference on 2 March 2022. It presents data and forecasts of net internal migration patterns to regional Australia. It also presents modelling of internal migration by age, which helps to understand how internal migration shapes the age profile of regional areas.
This paper discusses the main findings of the Fiscal Impact of New Australians (FIONA) model, which has been developed by the Treasury to estimate the fiscal impact of permanent migrants over their remaining lifetimes in Australia.
This quick guide begins to explore the uneven impacts of low overseas migration levels on population growth across Australia’s capital cities and regions.
This release draws out the population analysis and assumptions from the 2021–22 Budget and explores how recent events have impacted the growth of our population.
This quick guide explores the impacts of COVID-19 on movements between cities and regions, and outlines factors that may influence future patterns of internal migration.
This release highlights the current trends in internal migration, social and economic motivations for moving, as well as the characteristics of people who move.
This release draws out the population analysis and assumptions from the 2020–21 Budget and explores how recent events have impacted the growth of our population.